
Bug fixes, performance improvements, code formatting. There are a lot ways in which you can contribute! The issues list of a project is a great place to find something that you can help us with.

To increase the chances of your contribution getting merged, please ensure that:

  • You satisfy our code of conduct.

  • Your code follows our coding guidelines.

  • Your submission follows Vincent Driessen’s Git Branching System.

  • Your pull request:

    • Passes all checks and has no conflicts.

    • Has a well-written title and message that briefly explains your proposed changes.

We welcome all kinds of bug reports, user feedback and feature requests! To get started with contributing for the very first time on GitHub, we have a few steps outlined for you.

Create a GitHub account

Before you can contribute to MetaCall’s Jupyter Kernel, you must sign up for a GitHub account.

Set up authentication

When you have your account set up, follow the instructions to generate and set up SSH keys on GitHub for proper authentication between your workstation and GitHub.

Confirm authentication is working correctly with the following command:

ssh -T

Fork and clone the repository

You must fork and set up the MetaCall’s Jupyter Kernel repository on your workstation so that you can create PRs and contribute. These steps must only be performed during initial setup.

  1. Fork the repository into your GitHub account from the GitHub UI. You can do this by clicking on Fork in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. In the terminal on your workstation, change into the directory where you want to clone the forked repository.

  3. Clone the forked repository onto your workstation with the following command, replacing with your actual GitHub username: git clone<user_name>/jupyter-kernel.git

  4. Change into the directory for the local repository you just cloned. cd jupyter-kernel

  5. Add an upstream pointer back to the MetaCall’s remote repository, in this case jupyter-kernel. git remote add upstream This ensures that you are tracking the remote repository to keep your local repository in sync with it.

Making the changes

Follow the install instructions to setup the project locally. After you are done making the changes, make sure to run Black and Flake8 for code linting and formatting respectively. We have a pre-configured Flake8 configuration and once you run black against the source directory or file, run Flake8 to verify that linting checks pass:


Optionally, we would also like the Continous Integration to pass successfully and would advise for the usage of act for running the workflows locally. act is a tool offered by Nektos which provides a handy way to run GitHub Actions locally using Docker.

act can be set up locally with Homebrew, Chocolatey or even a simple BASH script. To set it up using the BASH script, just push the following command on your terminal:

curl | sudo bash

Next step is to define the custom image that we can use to run our actions locally. act provides a micro, medium and larger Docker image for Ubuntu GitHub runner. act does not support Windows and macOS images yet.

While running act for the first time, we can define the image that we would like to utilize for our local CI runs. The configuration is saved inside the ~/.actrc file.

In the cloned repository, while running act for the first time, it will find the ./.github/workflows and all the workflows present. To checkout the jobs listed as part of the GitHub Actions CI, push the following command:

act -l

It will list all the jobs and you can pick up the particular jobs you wish to run. If you are looking to run a particular job, push in the following command:

act -j <JOB_NAME>

To run the job in dry run, push in the following command:

act -n

To run the job with verbose logging, push in the following command:

act -v

To reuse the containers in act to maintain state, push in the following command:

act -j <JOB_NAME> --bind --reuse

If the workflow is running successfully, you can now be confident about your changes and be ready to send a Pull Request for the same.

Sending a Pull Request

When your work is ready and complies with the project conventions, upload your changes to your fork, by making a clean commit. Make sure that the changes being proposed are from a branch and not the master.

git push -u origin Branch_Name

Go to your repository on your browser and click on Compare and pull requests. Add a title and description to your pull request that explains your contribution. Voila! Your Pull Request has been submitted and will be reviewed by the maintainers and merged.